Enjoy a few out-of-focus photos from my phone. I like to think the poor quality of these makes me seem more endearing. But really, I have shaky hands.
I went to a place called "So's Your Mom" in Adams Morgan, and I found this delightful cookie which looked like it had fallen out of Willy Wonka's wet dream. It didn't taste as good as it looked.
This dog is sweet. Check it out, chillin' on the windowsill. This dog's a mad playa.
This was some sort of soup and edemame at a cozy little place called Teaism near Dupont Circle. The soup has "Teaism" written on it in something. Clever.
Evidence of my first (and thus far, only,) venture into DC's very own gated community: Georgetown. The above is what the tourists are allowed to see. Needless to say, I live far, far away from here. Kabs told Oriel that this was a monument to the American Phallus. Not too far off.
Kabir's roommate likes to collect Michael Jordan figurines and surround them with tiny plastic adoring Smurf fans. This is too much.
I have other photos. But I'll leave the photos of the real things for facebook. Where people actually look at them.
i've been to teaism! they had pretty good tea, if i'm remembering correctly. also, that last photo is awesome. and i'll try to keep writing on my blog, although i'm pretty lazy about updating it, haha
of course its an homage to the american phallus. has anyone ever denied that? slap the sucka who denies that. also, i totally look at your blog photos.
yo, that last basketball photo is sogud! and of course people view your photos; they're all over my g.reads.
smurfs are real!
I want that dog. Get on it missy, start the exploration of your felonious side on time for my Xmas present.
i've been to teaism! they had pretty good tea, if i'm remembering correctly.
also, that last photo is awesome.
and i'll try to keep writing on my blog, although i'm pretty lazy about updating it, haha
of course its an homage to the american phallus. has anyone ever denied that? slap the sucka who denies that. also, i totally look at your blog photos.
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