Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Es una barbaridad!

This blog's name and this particular post refers to something Mrs. Natalia Mendoza, our gracious host on Isla del Sol in Ch'alla , said to Sierra and me while staying at her house. Every morning, we would drink hot sweet tea and a piece of white bread, while Senora Mendoza made the morning soup. That's right, soup for breakfast! Living on the island is no piece of cake, and you need your energy. But the only problem was that neither Sierra nor I drink tea with sugar. In fact, Sierra had cut processed sugar completely out of her diet before coming to Bolivia. So after a few days of sickingly sweet tea (I mean half a cup of sugar in my cup of tea, no joke), I asked for tea without sugar.

Senora Mendoza: "No azucar?!" (No sugar?!)
Me: No, muy extrano, yo se (No, very strange, I know).
Senora Mendoza, shaking her head: No azucar, no azucar! Es una barbaridad! (No sugar, no sugar!? It's a barbarity!)

As she shook her head at us, she gave us two spoonfuls of sugar anyway. She laughed and tromped out of the room, as she usually did.

I miss Senora Mendoza.

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